Printed from : The Leisure Media Co Ltd
Water-cycling group exercise classes launch in London

PoolBike's aquatic exercise machines are being used at new aqua- cycling group exercise classes in London, UK.

The classes, run by AquAllure, part of H20 Spin-In Ltd, UK distributor of the pool bikes, host up to 10 people at the Dolphin Square Health and Fitness Club in Pimlico.

This 45 minute water work-out can burn up to 800 calories and combines the principles of stationary cycling with the support from water.

The group classes are suitable for all levels of ability due to the benefits of water buoyancy and resistance, making the exercise motion gentle.

Individuals can also participate at their own pace. Exercising in water has the added advantage of no muscle soreness the following day.

This type of exercise is also suitable for pregnant women, people living with heart disease, high level athletes and those recovering from injuries.

Classes are also for those looking to burn fat, reduce cellulite, tone up and lose weight.

For each session, ten specially-designed underwater bikes will be available to members and non-members, during which a wide variety of exercises will be carefully explained by an inspiring instructor; from acceleration and stretching to exercises out of the bike, resulting in the arms and abs also getting a great work-out under the water.

Other benefits of this low-impact cardiovascular work-out include improved aerobic endurance, increased breathing capacity, blood flow, flexibility and recovery.

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